We are positioning ourselves to carry a full line of value added game meat products to the global market with the capabilities of been able to trade our raw materials while acquiring stakes in our processors – Is what we do today. Read more on how we got here.



Venison/Deer meat in general is lower in fat, cholesterol and calories than other meats. It is also a better source of vitamins than most meats. This is appealing to consumers looking for an alternative to more traditional beef and chicken.



Turkey is a good source of riboflavin, phosphorus, and protein. Cooking turkey with the skin keeps the natural juices and the fat inside. To reduce fat you may remove the skin before consuming.

Kobe Style Beef
Beef is produced from cattle on ranches with an abundance of fresh water to drink, clean air to breathe, the finest barley to eat, and in a hormone free, very healthy environment. This ensures only the highest quality of beef. This quality of cattle produce Quality Marbled Beef product from Japanese WAGYU / KOBE cattle and crossed with the best of North America Domestic cattle to supply the consumer with an outstanding and enjoyable beef eating experience.
By diversifying your eating habits, you can help restore the natural growth process for animals. Imagine the entire world consuming chicken all in the same day, how many chickens needs to be reached maturity at such a fast pace to meet demands but if you start diversify your eat such that Turkey on Sunday, Fish on Monday, Beef on Wednesday, Vegetable on Thursday, Deer on Friday, Chicken on Saturday or by simply alter your meat protein within the three daily meal. You could simply do a Game Sausage for Breakfast, Beef or Chicken Burger or Salad for Lunch and a Lamb or Turkey for Dinner.

To be mankind’s livelihood but only comes to you with easy access through a company like Berbician. Fishing, Farming and hunting were the trends of natives live but with disappearance of older trends and the prediction of human life to get much more busier towards faster evolution or the end as to some might say, Berbican is up to speed to ensure this important diet does not disappear.
Not excluding but where necessary some of our products could be completely or partially consider being organic but simply consulting with us first to verify. We can speed up the restoration of organic farming and restore wealth to the poor by helping to promote employment and investment through the supply chain by empowering small farmers to grow more natural products on smaller scale while producers are forced to by organic animals through your demand.